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Timeless Teachings in a Changing World



Rovear Christian University, Inc. is a Bible believing institution that believes in the following statements found in scripture:


⦁ The Bible as the inspired Word of God.


⦁ The existence of one God who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.


⦁ The virgin birth of Jesus Christ who was God manifested in the flesh. He was both divine and human.


⦁ The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the redemption of man.


⦁ The water baptism in the Name of Jesus for the remission of our sins and the baptism and power of the Holy Ghost.Providing excellence in Christian Education

RCU Accreditations

⦁    The Virginia Department of Higher Education certifies that Rovear Chrisitan University, Inc. satisfies all of the criteria for the status of a religious degree-granting institution.  Therefore, Rovear Christian University, Inc. may operate and grant degrees in religious disciplines without the approval of this commission.

⦁    The Commonwealth of Virginia certifies that Rovear Christian University, Inc. is equipped to transact the business of a religious university under the laws of the state of Virginia Corporation Commission.

⦁    Rovear Christian University, Inc. is an accredited institution, accredited through the Accrediting Commission International, Inc. of Bible Colleges, Bee Bee Arkansas.

⦁    Rovear Christian University, Inc.  is certified as a higher education institution with the Evangelical Training Association (ETA).  ETA is a nationally recognized agency for the promotion of high standards for Christian teachers and church educators.

⦁    The National Christian Counseling Association has appointed Rovear Christian University, Inc. as a Certified Academic Institution with the permission to teach and train Christian Counselors therefore, awarding students with licensure as Christian or Pastor Counselors.


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