Fall Courses
Petersburg Campus
Monday | 6:00 p.m.|
"Biblical Foundation I"
Tuesday |6:00 p.m.|
"Rebuilding Lives Through the Spirit"
Thursday |5:30 p.m.|
"Sparkling Gems From the Greeks"
Self Paced Online Courses
- Foundations of Prayer
- New Testament Church
- Bible Theology Pt. 1
- Bible Theology Pt. 2
- Bible Theology Pt. 3
-Biblical Foundation Pt.1
- Old Testament Survey Pt. 1 (Graduate or Doctorate level)

Welcome to Rovear Christian University
This year marks the 22nd year since the university's formation; the end of an era and the beginning of a new excitement and determination to prepare the students with academic excellence, distinctively meeting their needs, and the needs of the community.
Students have chosen Rovear Christian University, Inc. because of our commitment to innovation, excellence, and integrity. With biblical principles at the core of our teaching, integrity and ethics are the primary concern in our classes, as we prepare students for their future goals in Christ.
Our students come seeking an environment where they will be challenged, nourished, encouraged and commissioned for the work God has called them to. If you have not enrolled in Rovear, we invite you to prayerfully consider submitting your application for admission.
For those of you who are students and supporters, we wholeheartedly thank you, and ask God to bless you in every aspect of your lives. You are welcome to visit our campus at any, attend a class, evaluate for yourself, and be blessed by the spirit of the Lord.

​Dr. Vera Grant
Chancellor and Head of Admissions

To request more information or to set up registration for self-paced online or correspondence studies:
Contact the Admissions Office
Mon-Fri 9am - 4pm